Exposing Lies to a World Bombarded by the Agenda-Driven Media

Archive for the ‘Jewish’ Category

The Talmud – The Shame of Jewish People

In an effort to speak the truth about certain matters I will begin with my people; the Jews. I am of Jewish descent  and I am supportive of many of the ideas, beliefs and customs of Jews. There are however some things that are simply an embarrassment to me and should be an embarrassment to all Jewish people.

Blog of Truth

Hello Everyone,

My name is Jacob Morgenthau. First let me say this blog may upset some readers; especially of Jewish decent. It is not my intention to anger anyone. I only want to find the truth in all things without special interest or any agenda

Some of the topics will be based exclusively upon facts and I will point that out to readers. Since this is my blog, I will also take the journalistic liberty of adding my thoughts and opinions for the readers as well. Again, I will differentiate between the two.

If my posts trouble you or cause you to reevaluate your beliefs……….I have achieved my objective however, always ask (no demand) the truth from whatever source you are exploring. For far too long have innocent people bore the brunt of the world’s hate and unjustly been subjected to injustice and shame that is not theirs. I wish to speak for those people……….a voice in the wilderness that begs for you to “consider the possibility” and not prejudge anyone.

I will not compromise my messages to appease those who will never consider the possibility that history is flawed and perhaps religion itself was created by MAN to control the population. All I ask is “consider……” and make up your own mind.

I also want to uniquely point out that there is not malice nor hate in my posts and I will not tolerate others who want to silence my message through anger. I will block and delete anyone who simply wants to antagonize and generate anarchy. This is not the forum for such tactics and I peacefully ask that everyone keep an open mind and promote an intelligent exchange of ideas.

I look forward to any correspondence and welcome comments and suggestions for future blogs. I do not want to seem like a renegade…………..I am far from it but I have found if the ground rules are not set early, those with the loudest shouting voice will prevail.

Until next time,

